"I made a pitcher of “cold brew” refrigerator coffee in my Madesco bag last night for this morning. I’m so impressed! The cold brew process with this bag is easy to do, clean, and enjoy with the benefits of some left over coffee for an iced coffee drink later in the day."
- Cherelynn M. Baker
Cold Brew Coffee BLOG
Chocolate Cherry Cold Brew Coffee
Is your valentine a caffeine addict? Then what better gesture is there than serving them up a romantic cup of[...]
Boost Office Productivity with Cold Brew Coffee
Almost 90% of office workers report that they don’t feel awake until they’ve had their first cup of coffee in[...]
Holiday Coffee Drinks with Cold Brew Coffee
Looking for holiday drinks to entertain your guests? Here's a roundup of our top Christmas Coffee drinks and holiday blends[...]
Skinny Gingerbread Latte with Cold Brew Coffee
Christmas and the holiday season is so exciting because we get to make creative coffee concoctions like the Skinny Gingerbread[...]
Eggnog Latte made with Cold Brew Coffee
The eggnog latte is a holiday blend great for serving at special holiday gatherings or sipping while you enjoy your[...]
Frosted Molasses Bars
Our Cold Brew Coffee Frosted Molasses Bars made with raisins and cinnamon are a unique spin on the traditional American recipe. We[...]
What's your COffee personality?
Your Heart, Health and Cold Brew Coffee
Is it true that drinking too much coffee can cause heart irregularities? Based on a study performed by the University[...]
Coffee Ice Cream
We love ice cream as much as we love coffee and that’s exactly what this recipe is all about! This[...]
Cold Brew Coffee and Alcohol for St. Patrick’s Day
Good things happen when you mix cold brew coffee and alcohol, and with all the Saint Patrick's Day festivities, we[...]
Top 3 Chocolate Cold Brew Coffee Recipes for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is almost here, and that means you can indulge in all the chocolate heart shaped desserts you desire![...]
Caramel Coffee Sauce
Our caramel coffee sauce is another one of our favourite Cooking with Cold Brew Coffee Recipes and is also one[...]
Coconut Coffee Cake
Coconut coffee cake made with cold brew coffee is a great dessert feature for any occasion. Once you have brewed the specialty Code[...]

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