cold brew coffee Christmas recipes

12 Days of Christmas Coffee Recipes

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…Christmas Coffee Recipes! (sang to the tune of “12 Days of Christmas”)

And here they are! A round up of Holiday Recipes made with our featured Code Blue Artisan Coffee and our Madesco Labs filters. So many choices from drinks, main entrees to desserts!

All you need to do is prep your coffee concentrate or a batch of cold brew coffee then bake, cook and serve!

Christmas Coffee Recipes – Main Entrees

1. Coffee Marinated Steak Fajitas


What’s for dinner? Ever thought of having coffee? Not just a hot cup, but actually using coffee to marinate your steak? Yes, it’s possible with our Coffee Marinated Steak Fajitas recipe! Get the full recipe here.

2. Chile Short Ribs

Chile Short Ribs

We love to spice things up with coffee every now and then. Our Chile Short Ribs recipe made with cold brew coffee is definitely going to add a dash of pleasure to your dinner. This creative blend of sweet and spicy ingredients with specialty coffee will pleasantly surprise your taste buds. It’s truly unique compared to anything you have tried before. Click here to view the full recipe.

3. Cold Brew Coffee Barbecue Sauce

Cold Brew Coffee barbecue sauce

You’re in for a flavorful ride at dinner with this unique blend of spice and coffee. A sure way to impress your guests and add more sizzle to your barbecue! Click here to view the full recipe.

4. Coffee Gravy Recipe

The secret behind the gravy recipe!

Did you know that the “secret” ingredient behind great gravy is coffee? Here’s one of our favorite gravy recipes for you made with our gourmet-style cold brew coffee. We try it with roast beef or turkey! Get the full recipe here.

5. Paleo Cavewoman Chile

Paleo Cavewoman Chile

Our Paleo Cavewoman Chile made with cold brew coffee is a hearty recipe providing a homestyle comfort food taste for you and your family during the cooler weather. Who would have thought you could put cold brew coffee in your chile? Well, now you can experience the unique blend of coffee in your dinner. Get the full recipe here.

Christmas Coffee Recipes – Desserts

6. Chameleon Pumpkin

Chameleon Pumpkin Pie

Our signature Chameleon Pumpkin is our favorite coffee dessert. Perfect for all special occasions especially Christmas! Get the full recipe here.

7. Cold Brew Coffee Cake Crumble

An image of coffee cake

Here’s a tasty and sophisticated dessert that will have them silently eating. Cold brew coffee cake is a traditional way to satisfy your sweet tooth after a main course. Now you can top it off with crumbled pecans, walnuts, caramel and ice cream – need I say more? You likely have most of the following ingredients in your cupboards waiting to be devoured, or simply run to your 24/7 store so you can whip this up in no time. Get the full recipe here.

8. Coffee Ice Cream

A photo of ice cream scoops made of coffee

We love ice cream as much as we love coffee and that’s exactly what this recipe is all about! This insanely delicious treat is simply iced cold brew coffee mixed with milk, but calling it so will be incredibly misleading. It is the perfect coffee ice cream with strong coffee flavors and sweetened condensed milk mixed together for the most pleasurable taste. If you like it sweet and creamy with only a hint of coffee, this one is for you. Click here for the full recipe.

Christmas Coffee Recipes – Drinks

9. Holiday Peppermint Smoothie

Holiday peppermint smoothie with cold brew coffee

The season of саndу саnеѕ and ѕnоw-соvеrеd hills саllѕ fоr thе реrfесt рерреrmіnt rесіре to match! If you have lots of candy canes hanging on your Christmas tree or extras left over, here is a great recipe idea! This recipe is an excellent way to enjoy the festivities of the holiday season. Click here for the recipe.

10. Homemade Kаhluа

Eаѕу Hоmеmаdе Kаhluа with Cold Brew Coffee

Lіkе реаnut buttеr аnd jеllу, сооkіеѕ аnd milk, соffее аnd аlсоhоl саn gо рrеttу darn wеll tоgеthеr. Thеrе’ѕ рlеntу оf соffее bаѕеd lіԛuеur оut оn thе mаrkеt, and Kаhluа mау bе оnе оf thе mоѕt wеll knоwn. Kаhluа іѕ a fаbulоuѕ соffее-flаvоrеd liqueur thаt іѕ vеrу еxреnѕіvе tо buу, but саn еаѕіlу bе mаdе аt hоmе uѕіng commonly аvаіlаblе іngrеdіеntѕ: соffее, ѕugаr, vanilla аnd vоdkа. Get the full recipe.

11. Mixed Drinks

Good things happen when you mix cold brew coffee and alcohol, and with all the holiday festivities, we want to raise our glass with you and share are most love mixed drinks. See a great variety here.

12. Lot’s More Christmas Coffee Recipes

There are a lot more recipes for Christmas featured in our Madesco Labs cookbooks. Get our specialty bundle with any purchase of our Madesco Labs Products.

Madesco Cold Brew Recipe Books

And if you haven’t already done so, download your Free “Cooking with Cold Brew Coffee” recipe book here.